Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Consequences of Industrialization

We all know that industrialization has added to our world in a positive way: the ability to to produce products in a fast, efficient, and cheaper way, the ability to mass produce medical products and drugs that increase life expectancy, more leisure time, etc..  Industrialization has had negative consequences on our world as well.  Pollution and global warming are only two of the very serious problems that have been laid on our laps to solve by industrialization.

In partners choose one of the topics below.  Watch the video and then do a little research on the topic.  Prepare a 5 minute presentation (you may show the video but that doesn't count towards the 5 minutes) on your topic.  Answer the 5 Ws and one H - who, what, where, when, why and how.  Give any information that you think is important.  Post your information on your blog.  In addition to the information, pose two questions that should get your readers thinking about the information and that they can respond to.

BP Gulf Oil Spill

                              Hungary Toxic Sludge Spill

  Coal Burning and Acid Rain


   Union Carbide Bhopal Disaster

  Minamata Disease 

                             Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

                                       The Killer Fog of London 1952   

                                          Love Canal

                                      Baia Mare Cyanide Disaster

    Three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster

                                 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

                                      Alberta Tar Sands

                                  United Kingdom BSE Crisis

                                      The Disappearing Aral Sea

                                Plastics in the Environment - The Great Pacific Garbage Dump

                                   Seveso Disaster

                                   Chilean Miners Freed


  1. Something I found interesting about Karren Anne's and Emily's project is that there is still garbage there. It's really nerve wracking thinking about this on top of all the global warming and wars going on in present time. About Josh's presentation what surprised me was that 4.4 million cows were killed. In Parker's and Liam's Presentation it surprised me that it used to be one of the largest sea's. In Alayah's presentation i was taken by surprise when she said it started at 4 am. Also i Nathan's presentation I was surprised to find out that they built it on a elementary school on top of the plant even when it said in the contract that there was toxic waste.

  2. The Mad Cow disease suprised me beacuse its so easy to transmit, and I wonder if its curabe?

    The Chenobyl Disaster and what suprised me is that its STILL as Ghost Town. Also I wonder is its EVER going to be okay to live in?

    What suprised me about the Aral Sea is that the seas declined 10% of its original size in 2007.
    And I wonder if other seas are going to dry out beacuse of the human race?

    The Killer Fog took 12,000 lives in a week! Which REALLY interested me.
    And I wonder is the fog is still there?

    The Exxon Oil Spill, spilled 11 million gallons of oil which is really unbelievable.
    And I wonder if oil still remains where it spilled?

    The Love Canal was interestig because even though people KNEW that there was toxic waist in it they still build a little town around it.
    And I wonder is there is another accident like this that is recent?

  3. Josh- Was there no treatment for the people or the cows that got infected?

    Jessie and Kain- Is there any way to get the radio active air cleaned so there can be civilization again?

    Alayah and Malachite- How many people were evacuated?

    Kelsey- Is there a faster proccess of cleaning up the oil from our waters?

    Karen anne and Emily- Are there any ways we can encourage people to recyle? And the plastics that can't be used, can they be burned? To get ride of the plastic instead of storing it away or dumping it in the water.

    Nathan and Dominic- Could there have been a way to clean up the canal for good?

  4. I thought all of the projects that were presented we very well done. I especially enjoyed the visuals in Liam and Parker's Aral sea presentation, showing the difference in size of the sea. I thought that was the best part of their project.

    Karen-Ann and Emily also did a very good job with their project. They had good visuals and great information about the garbage patch.

    I think out of all the presentations we saw, the one with the best information was Kelsey's project on the Exxon Valdez.

    Brenna and Lacy had good information considering the one they choose has hardly any information. The Killer fog has hardly ever been acknowledged as a diaster.
